
  • Is It Time For The Final Breakup?

    When you were newlyweds you more than likely never even imagined that you would end up getting a divorce. Now, perhaps even after seeing a marriage counselor, after consistently trying everything you could think of to save your marriage, you may have faced the sad fact that you and your spouse will soon be dissolving your marriage. Of course, you probably are facing many different emotions. On one hand, you may be profoundly sad that you weren't able to make your dreams come true.
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  • Three Debt-Related Tips To Remember During Divorce Proceedings

    When you're going through a divorce, it's easy to be focused on the assets that you and your spouse currently share that you'll soon be dividing. However, you should also give some thought to your collective debts. Debt might not be something that you enjoy talking about, but there's no better time to do so than now. Together with your divorce attorney, you and your spouse can go over your debt and come up with plans on how to divide it fairly.
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  • Teen Arrested? How You Can Protect Your Child

    The first goal of a parent is to protect their child. However, children sometimes make bad decisions -- decisions that could land them behind bars. If your child has been charged with a crime, it is a serious matter. It's vital you know what to do to protect your child. Here are some things you should do now.  Take the Matter Seriously You and your child must take the matter seriously.
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  • Having A Crime Expunged From Your Record: What You Need To Know

    If you have a misdemeanor conviction on your criminal record, then you're probably aware of just how much of an impact even a minor criminal conviction can have on your life. On the other hand, many states offer expungement opportunities for convicted criminals, meaning that you can have your charge sealed from your record. From there, you no longer have to disclose your conviction to potential employers or others because it won't show up on a standard criminal background check.
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  • Top Legal Needs For Your Small Business

    Start-up companies require a lot of cash to help them become established. When allocating resources to your small business, it can be tempting to overlook the funding of a legal team. This decision could prove to be a costly one for you in the long run. The legal needs of small businesses can vary, but all businesses have basic legal needs that must be addressed by an experienced attorney. Forming a Corporate Structure
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  • How You Are Randomly Selected for Jury Duty

    The judicial system always says that people are randomly selected for jury duty. Well, that is only partially true. The thing is, if you cast a vote in a ballot box or have a driver's license,  you would be on the judicial radar as someone that could do jury duty. Never getting called for jury duty your entire life is rather unheard of, but not unlikely. Here is more on this particular method of randomly selecting you as a juror to appear.
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  • Does Your Message Require A Trademark?

    If you had a great new idea for an innovative product, you would probably rush out to get a patent before you started to work on bringing the idea to market. But what about when your idea relates to a brand new way of conceptualizing a product or service? That is essentially what a brand is about. Why shouldn't you protect your unique message? Here are some reasons why trademarking is important to your business.
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  • 3 Advantages of Hiring Your Own Real Estate Attorney for a Property Closing

    Once you have found the property you want and the offer you make is accepted, all of the red tape comes out. This is when the legal contracts are made and all of the necessary arrangements take place so you can take ownership of your new home. Normally, the bank or lender you are working with will provide their own attorney to oversee the closing when you buy a piece of real estate property.
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  • Think You Know How Your Spouse's Mental Health Will Affect Your Divorce? Think Again!

    Mental illness is a tricky subject to handle when it comes to divorce proceedings -- and a lot of people really don't understand how the issue can actually play out in court. Instead, they operate on outdated assumptions about how mental illness is viewed by the legal system and that can backfire on them in a big way. If you're divorcing a spouse who has a mental illness, these are some of the things that you need to consider:
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  • Can You Sue A Doctor For Prescribing Medical Marijuana?

    Although marijuana has been found to be effective at treating certain medical conditions (e.g. chronic pain), it's not appropriate for every person. However, if you are injured from using the drug after your doctor recommends it, it may not be possible for you to sue the healthcare provider for your damages and losses. Here why that is and what your options are if you still want to pursue a case.
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