Three Personal Injury Law Notions And Misconceptions
Posted on: 15 December 2016
Suffering accidental injuries can be a devastating experience for your physical and financial health as well as your quality of life. Sadly, misconceptions about personal injury lawsuits can discourage people from fighting for justice when they have been victimized by an accident that resulted in major injuries, expenses, or damages.
Myth: You Must Accept The Offer From The Insurance Company
For many major accidents, the person responsible will have insurance that should pay for the damages and losses you suffered. However, insurance companies are large powerful corporations that have a duty to their shareholders to provide the highest profit possible. Therefore, they have a vested interest in paying you as little as possible to resolve the claim. Luckily, you are not legally bound to accept low offers from insurance providers. By refusing one of these settlements, you can preserve your right to pursue a lawsuit, which may result in much higher compensation. An experienced personal injury attorney will be able to provide guidance on a course of action after they review the offer from the insurance as well as the unique facts and considerations involved with your accident.
Myth: Filing A Personal Injury Lawsuit Is Done Out Of Greed
For some people, there may be a stigma associated with filing a personal injury lawsuit due to a belief that most lawsuits are simply done out of greed. Yet individuals that have suffered serious and material damages from accidents that were not their fault must utilize every available resource to recover from these losses. Without this option for pursuing damages, it may be impossible for a person to fully recover from these unfortunate incidents.
Myth: Your Attorney Can Tell You The Value Of Your Case Before You Decide To Take Legal Action
Prior to deciding to go through the process of filing a lawsuit, many individuals will want to know exactly what they will receive from this process. Yet there is no way for your attorney to know exactly what compensation will be awarded. This is due to the fact that it will depend on the strength of evidence, the willingness of the defense to pay a reasonable amount of your damages, and the tendencies of the local judges and juries. However, your attorney can provide some guidance on this matter as they can give you estimates based on how previous cases that were similar to your situation were resolved. While this will not a binding estimate, it will give you a rough idea of what you could expect if your case were successfully resolved.