
  • Real Estate Law: What Should You Know About Closing Your Mortgage?

    If you're in the final phase of purchasing your home, call a real estate attorney soon. You may need someone to help you close your mortgage before you take over the home. If you don't obtain the services of an attorney, it may cause you major problems later on. Learn more about the final phase of mortgaging a home and how a real estate attorney can help you close your mortgage below.
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  • Know About The Main Duties Required Of A Personal Representative

    If a recent death has meant being appointed to a special position, you may be wondering what lies ahead. Personal representatives (or executors) act as the administrator of the estate and their duties are many. For an idea of the main duties to expect, read on. Gather Important Documents Many tasks are dependent on certain documents. One of the most important of those documents is the last will and testament. Locating this document is job one for a personal administrator.
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  • What Car Acciedent Victims Should Know About A Demand Letter

    If you have been hurt by another driver and have never heard of a demand letter, that is probably because you never had to know about it. Demand letters are requests for payment sent by your personal injury lawyer to the at-fault driver and their insurance company. Demand letters must contain all the pertinent facts about your case. Read on for a summary of what a demand letter usually contains.
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  • Beware Of Inadequate Insurance Settlements

    After a car accident, you may be eager to settle the case so that you can get on with your life. It's always fortunate when the driver that caused the accident and injured you has insurance. However, many insurers offer settlements that fall far short of what victims deserve. Read on to find out where insurers fall short of providing victims with adequate compensation. It's About Accident Damages What you deserve to be paid is based on your damages and this refers not only to your damaged car but other things, too.
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  • Family Law: Everything You Need To Know About Divorce Processes

    Family law courts receive a lot of divorce petitions throughout the year. Each divorce case is unique in its ways. For example, if the marriage is short-lived, with no children or shared property, the process is not as complex as a long-term marriage involving kids and large estates. Also, the process becomes less complicated when the divorcing couple decides to work together. But generally, you will need to go through the following basic steps during your divorce.
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  • Your Previous Job And How It Affects Your SSDI Benefits

    Those that cannot work at their jobs anymore may want to apply for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Unlike the other form of government assistance, Supplemental Security Income (SSI), SSDI is based on your work history. To find out how your previous job can affect the way your SSDI claim is handled, read below. Understanding FICA Deductions Each time you are paid, a portion of that pay is withheld under the name of FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) and kept in a fund for you.
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  • Reducing The Repercussions Of A DUI Charge

    A drunk driving charge can carry severe consequences like the revocation of your driver's license, criminal charges, and future employment issues. Thus, it is crucial to consider all your alternatives when facing a DUI charge. An excellent place to start is talking to a DUI lawyer about the legal options available to you. Depending on the nature of the arrest and the facts of your case, a reputable DUI attorney can build you a strong case.
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  • Roles of Legal Experts in Safeguarding Investors' Interests

    Security law attorneys specialize in legal matters involving regulating financial investments. The financial investments include bonds, stocks, and mutual funds. Security law attorneys exist to protect investors from fraud, manipulation, insider trading, and unfair competition practices. Additionally, security law has established a complex reporting and enforcement structure that ensures transparency in financial and investment dealings. Investors should consult a securities law attorney to ensure compliance and mitigate risks, as discussed below.
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  • 4 Signs It's Time For Insurance Litigation

    Pursuing insurance litigation can seem like a drastic step. However, there are times when hiring an insurance litigation attorney to sue may be the best available option. How can you tell, though? If you see any of these four signs, it might time to litigate. An Outright Denial of a Claim This is the most obvious reason to speak with an insurance litigation attorney. If you have received a formal letter denying your claim, you're likely out of other options besides suing.
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