
  • Surprised by Tax Debt from a Joint Return? The 4 Things You Need to Do Now

    When you discover that you owe back taxes from a joint return, it can be scary and overwhelming. Many spouses in this situation knew little or nothing about the tax situation, or even what was on the tax return to begin with. So, what can you do now that you find yourself facing the taxman? Here is a guide to help get through this time. Don't Ignore the Information. The worst thing that you can do at this point is to ignore what you've learned or disregard any notifications you have received.
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  • Suffer From An Anxiety Disorder? You Could Receive Disability Benefits

    Anxiety disorders are one of the most widespread mental illnesses in the United States. If you suffer from a social anxiety disorder or PTSD, you might not have been able to work and this will put an increased amount of stress on you. Did you know that you might be able to receive disability benefits? Here is what you need to be considered for disability benefits when suffering with an anxiety disorder.
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  • Can You Use Fighting Words In A Provocation Defense?

    People get into legal trouble for a variety of reasons and, depending on the severity of the situation, you could be looking at misdemeanor or felony charges. Sometimes, though, you can get a charge reduced or obtain a lighter sentence if you can show you were provoked in some way. One question many people have about this particular defense is whether or not fighting words constitute provocation. Fighting Words Fighting words are written or spoken words that are expressed specifically to incite violent backlash from the person or people targeted.
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  • Steps To Take After Your Spouse Has Died From Cosmetic Surgery

    If your spouse recently went under cosmetic surgery and then sadly passed away shortly thereafter, the loss can be hard to bear. After you've taken the time to make the final arrangements and grieve your loss, it's time to find out if someone else is responsible for contributing to their death. Speaking to a qualified wrongful death lawyer will help you gain an understanding into your rights as a surviving spouse.
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  • Understanding Intellectual Property And What You Can Do Protect Yours

    When you are trying to protect intellectual property, defining what the property is can be difficult. Unlike physical items, intellectual property is a concept or an idea that is unique to you. Whether you have developed a new brand for your business, or you have come up with an invention, understanding how you can protect this property is important. You first have to determine if you need to copyright your work, create a trademark, or apply for a patent.
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  • Buying A Home: A Primer

    Buying a home can be a difficult process. One of the most difficult parts about buying a home is ensuring that all of your legal ducks are in order. Throughout the course of this brief article, you will learn about the process of buying a home and how to make sure that you have all of your legal bases covered.   Are You Really Better Off Buying? It's difficult to determine whether you're better off purchasing a home or staying where you're at – whether you're living at home or renting.
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  • Are You The Daddy? The Facts About Admissions Of Child Paternity

    Being told that you are about to become a father can cause a mixed reaction in some fathers. If you have had a troubled, on-again off-again relationship with the mom of the child, you may have good reason to be concerned about the validity of the claim. Accepting paternity without requiring proof could have long-lasting and serious ramifications, so tread very carefully when confronted with a paternity admission. Read on to learn more about admissions of paternity and what you should know.
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  • 3 Things You Can Expect At Your 341 Hearing

    After filing for Chapter 7 bankruptcy, your case will be scheduled for its 341 meeting. This is also referred to as a meeting of creditors. This meeting isn't optional. You have to attend. Otherwise, you could wind up having your whole case thrown out and you having to start the process all over again. Only certain people attend the meetings. Oftentimes, creditors aren't going to show up for these meetings because they aren't required to be there.
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  • How To Avoid Losing Your Property Through Averse Possession

    Did you know a trespasser who has possessed your property for a long time can get a valid (legal) title to your property? This is known as the law of adverse possession, and its best prevented by keeping trespassers away from your land. Here are a few measures to help you keep trespassers away and avoid losing your land via adverse possession laws: Put Up Warning Signs One of the excuses used by trespassers is that they didn't know it was wrong or that they were unwelcome.
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  • Own A Business And Getting A Divorce? What Are Your Options?

    If you and your spouse have opened a business together and have not made the decision to end your marriage, the business is likely considered marital property. More than likely, if you have both been operating the reins of the business and partaking in day-o-day business activities, you are both going to want to maintain control of the assets. This can lead to a very messy fight in and out of the court room.
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