Injured At Work? 4 Workers Compensation Mistakes That Can Cost You Dearly

Posted on: 15 March 2019

Work-related injuries are no laughing matter. In fact, work-related injuries can affect every aspect of your life. Workers compensation is there to help you recover from those injuries. However, you need to avoid mistakes when applying for those benefits. Here are four such mistakes that you should avoid. Avoid Delays in Reporting Injuries If you've been injured on the job, you need to file a report immediately. You may be tempted to wait and see if the injuries get better, but that's the worst thing you can do.
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Top Reasons To File For An At-Fault Divorce

Posted on: 12 February 2019

It's no secret that marriage can be difficult at various intervals.  Trying to get along with your spouse about every situation may be more than you can do. This is especially true if you have significant issues and your spouse is the reason for these. If this is the case, you may qualify for filing for an at-fault divorce. Knowing some of the reasons to file for this divorce can be helpful.
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A Night Of Fun Gone Wrong -- Building A Personal Injury Case After A Bar Fight

Posted on: 4 January 2019

A night of going out and having a good time can, and often does leave the door open for legal issues. When alcohol is at play in crowded public places, incidents sometimes happen that people wish they could take back. The ugly side of the bar and club scene rears its head when people get into fights. If you were attacked during a night out, it's important that you don't just chalk it up as the price of admission to the night scene.
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Home-Related Details To Outline In Your Separation Agreement

Posted on: 28 November 2018

In a separation, it's common for one spouse to remain in the home — often with the children, if there are any — while the other finds another place to live on a temporary basis. It's a good idea for you and your spouse to meet with an attorney to write up a separation agreement. One of the many legal services that family attorneys provide is help with separation agreements. This document will outline your roles during this challenging time in your relationship.
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