Tips For Proving Soft Tissue Injuries

Posted on: 4 May 2015

Soft injuries are those that involve muscles, ligaments, and tendons, but not bones. If you are processing a personal injury claim, and most of your injuries are "soft," then you should expect hard negotiation from the insurance company. This is because insurers are of the erroneous view that only injuries to the bone and critical organs of the body (such as lungs, heart and brain) are serious enough to warrant substantial awards.
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Applying For Social Security Disability Benefits: 3 Facts You Should Know

Posted on: 28 April 2015

Whether you have been disabled since birth or have recently become disabled due to a serious injury or medical condition, you may be able to get the financial assistance that you require by filing for social security benefits. However, before you rush down to the local Social Security Administration, there are a few facts that you should know. You Cannot Collect SSD Benefits With No Work History Social security disability (SSD) benefits are designed to help disabled workers meet their financial obligations in the event that they are no longer about to work.
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Correcting The Top Three Assumptions Workers Comp Attorneys Hear From Injured Employees

Posted on: 11 December 2014

Let's face it: Workers compensation is a tangled web of state-specific rules and regulations, and if you're seriously considering filing a claim, you'll want to speak with an experienced attorney before moving forward. But in the meantime, it doesn't hurt to learn the basics. Understanding the common misconceptions about the law below – all the usual suspects attorneys hear from first-time clients – can help you get the most out of your initial consultation.
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3 Things You Need To Know About Working With An Attorney

Posted on: 10 December 2014

Many people need to use the services of a lawyer. If you are working with an attorney for the first time you might be wondering what you should and shouldn't do. Here are 3 things that you need to know about working with an attorney. 1. Time Is Money, So Keep Communication On Point Most lawyers bill by the hour. This means that if you waste their time, you might have to pay for it.
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